10. - 14.3.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Julia Westlake  "Kulturjournal" NDR 22.45h

    24. - 28.3.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Vera Cordes  "Visite" NDR 20.15h


Sara Bildau  "heute" ZDF um 12.00h + 17.00h


Susanne Holst  "Wissen vor acht" ARD 19.45h

   10. + 11.3.

Sara Bildau  "heute Xpress" ZDF versch. Dienste


Yael Adler "Ist das noch gesund?" neue Folge

   13. + 14.3.

Silke Beickert  "Der Tag" tgl. um 18.00h + "rbb24" um 22.45h


Yael Adler  zu Gast bei "Der Tag" rbb 18.00h


Eva Grünbauer  "SAT.1 Bayern" tgl. um 17.30h



   15. + 16.3.   

Silke Beickert  "rbbUM6" + "rbb24" um 22.45h





Rita Schmitt - H&S Medienservice

Rita Schmitt

Rita Schmitt learned television from scratch at the private broadcaster RTL plus in Luxembourg. After her training the Saarländerin worked as an editor in the program area "productions" and moved 1988 with RTL to Cologne, Germany.

A year later, SAT.1`s morning show first attracted Rita to Hamburg and later to Berlin. There she became the producer of the live produced three-hours morning show and was responsible for special projects.

1993 - foundation and development of H&S Medienservice in Hamburg. Since then, her work as an author, journalist and producer has focused on the implementation of health topics for TV, print and the Internet. Through intensive cooperation with TV moderators, H&S Presenters Management was also established at the end of the 1990s. Since 2010, Rita Schmitt and Tobias Hoffmann have also exclusively advised and accompanied speakers, authors such as media and communication trainers.

H&S Medienservice GbR
Rita Schmitt · Tobias Hoffmann
Beim Schlump 84 F
20144 Hamburg-Rotherbaum

T040 450381-31
M0172 4023671

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