18. - 22.11.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Julia Westlake  "Kulturjournal" NDR 22.45h

      2. - 6.12.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Vera Cordes  "Visite" NDR 20.15h


Sara Bildau  "heute" ZDF um 12.00h + 17.00h


Susanne Holst  "Wissen vor acht" ARD 19.45h

 18. + 21.11.

Sara Bildau  "heute Xpress" ZDF versch. Dienste


Yael Adler "Ist das noch gesund?" neue Folge

 21. + 22.11.

Silke Beickert  "Der Tag" um 18.00h + "rbb24" um 22.45h


F. Rubin "Gibts da was Natürliches" neue Folge

  18. - 22.11.

Eva Grünbauer  "SAT.1 Bayern" tgl. 17.30h







Our media trainers have various areas of expertise in which they can bring a great deal of experience to media training. To make a preselection, please enter one of the following terms in the search window below and click on search: public appearance, presentation training, interview training, camera training, speaker training, personality training, rhetoric seminars, crisis communication, communication training for companies.

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H&S Medienservice GbR
Rita Schmitt · Tobias Hoffmann
Beim Schlump 84 F
20144 Hamburg-Rotherbaum

T040 450381-31
M0172 4023671

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